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Our Mission Statement

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  • The mission of Roosevelt High School is to empower scholars through an innovative, project-based curriculum with an emphasis on global community public health in a real-world and diverse learning environment. 


  • Roosevelt HS will partner with The Dallas Fire and Rescue Department and Dallas Sheriffs Office to allow students to gain a deeper understanding of the requirements for each field of service and prepare for future careers in the specified partner organizations 


  • Roosevelt HS will extend student learning opportunities beyond the traditional classroom through partnerships with local organizations encouraging collaboration and innovation, and providing students with the skills and resources they need for future success.   


  • Roosevelt HS will work closely with students and parents through school programs such as a daily Advisory period to foster holistic growth including academic, social and emotional development throughout the school day, and in extended learning opportunities throughout the year. These competencies include, relationship skills, self advocacyresponsible decision making, self-management, and social-awareness.   



  • Franklin D. Roosevelt will equip scholars with knowledge and skills to be socially responsible and academically competitive to impact global communities.  


  • Our Vision at Roosevelt High School is to foster a learning environment where students use the community as a lab and engage with stakeholders to maximize positive community impact.  Through real world, hands-on projects, students will develop a multidisciplinary understanding of the processes of the natural world, the built environment, and the social and economic systems of the city.  


  • Roosevelt students will collaborate with organizations, institutions, and industry experts as they prepare for college and future careers in the fields Nutritional Health, Entrepreneurship, and public safety. 


Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School Core Beliefs  

  • We believe our main purpose is to improve academic achievement for ALL students.
  • We believe we set the tone for student achievement and behavior through consistency and leading by example. 
  • We believe that all educators must be consistent in providing effective instruction.
  • We believe that every student must be educated in a safe, welcoming, effective, and innovative learning environment. 
  • We believe all educators are committed to preparing students for postsecondary success.